Deutschlandfunk Interview with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kuhlmann

On Monday Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kuhlmann, head of the modeling network’s coordination office, was interviewed by Deutschlandfunk (DLF). The interview request arose in response to the short statement published by the network on the course of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the fall and winter season of 2022/2023.

Together with other experts of the modeling network, the health economist simulated three different scenarios for possible SARS CoV-2 infection waves for this fall and winter, already taking into account the effect of immunisations with the new, adapted vaccine. However, according to Kuhlmann it is impossible to predict whether the infection level stands at the beginning of a wave similar to the one in 2021. The decisive factor is the appearance of new virus variants and their specific characteristics.

Listen to the full-length interview in the Deutschlandfunk Mediathek.